Saturday, February 27, 2010

Embroidery with a Border

Here is the embroidered square again. It has a fabric border now.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Photo Quilt Square by Jenny and Josh

Jenny and Josh printed this photo for Grandma's birthday quilt. Jenny is sending it to me and I will add a fabric border to finish it. Looks great!

When Josh sent the picture of their quilt square , he also included this adorable picture of their dog, Wenley, so I thought I would post that too. Wish you lived closer - Jenny, Josh, and Wenley!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

More Quilt Squares

My mom has been very focused on her quilt squares for the past few days! Here is the next one that will go in the quilt. It is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa and their children.

She also made a couple of extra squares in case we need to fill in space. This pattern is called Grandmother's Choice.

And, this pattern is called Christian Cross.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finished Birthday Square

Here is the finished square made by my mom. It looks great with the border!

Happy Birthday Quilt Square

My mom sent me this picture of the square she has been working on. It is done with applique and embroidery and it turned out very nice. She will add a fabric border to finish it and add more color around the edges.

Quilt Squares

Here are two quilt squares that we have been working on for Grandma's birthday quilt. This one was done improv. Inspiration is from Denyse Schmidt. (

This one is embroidered and will have a fabric border added before it is complete. These cute crafty patterns are from Jenny Hart. (

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's squares!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Beginning of Grandma June's Birthday Quilt

Grandma June has been quilting for many years, I believe it started in the 1980's. I still have my first quilt that she made me. It was a basic square pattern and the layers were tied together. Over the years, she has made many more quilts and many more patterns. When she started quilting the layers together, she did it by hand and has continued to do it by hand. I don't know anyone else who quilts by hand and it is amazing. She has also made many beautiful quilt designs.

I am not sure how many quilts Grandma has made, but I know there must be over 100! maybe 200! I have sat and looked through all of the Polaroid pictures that she has taken of each quilt. On the bottom of the pictures, it says who received the quilt and mentions the occasion, if there was one. We've received quilts for graduations, weddings, babies, and just because Grandma wants to show her love through the beautiful quilts she has made.

Grandma June will be 90 this summer (June 1) and we have decided to make her a quilt after all of the years that she has been making them for us. This is the beginning of her quilt:

I am sending out squares of fabric and Grandma's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are going to work on creating the quilt squares. When they are finished, we will piece them all together to make Grandma's family memory quilt. Aunt Patsy is hosting her birthday party and we will give the finished quilt to her there. Grandma has inspired me to quilt and learn other crafts and I'm sure she also had an influence on others in the family to do the same. I hope that everyone enjoys working on the quilt and I am sure Grandma will love it. I'll post more updates as we move forward with Grandma's quilt.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Making Progress

This one has been taking a while, but I'm making progress. When I'm done, I'll have a granny square crochet afghan. I've never made an afghan and this was my first real crochet project. It took me a little while to get used to crocheting instead of knitting, but I am really liking it now.