Friday, October 30, 2009

Cookies Are Comfort Food

Cut-out cookies were always our favorite holiday treat. This week we got this little package in the mail from MI. Thanks mom!

Jason and I made cookies that I took to work for a co-worker's birthday today. They are thumbprint molasses cookies and I got the recipe at a cookie exchange a few years ago. This year we are having a bake-off at our office so making these was good practice. I still haven't decided on the recipe to use yet, but this will be on the list of options.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Practice Thanksgiving

We practiced making Thanksgiving dinner recently. It seemed like a good reason to eat one of our favorite meals. We did a pretty good job and we're looking forward to the real Thanksgiving Dinner in a few weeks!

Jewelry Class

I took a jewelry class yesterday at Beadniks. We learned how to stamp on metal pendants. It was fun until I missed the stamp and hammered my thumb. I don't think I will make this a long term hobby. Here is a necklace I made. I really like it. Even though my thumb hurts, I'm happy I went.

Birthday Cupcakes

We had a lot of cupcakes for Jason's birthday. I went to the bakery a couple blocks away and picked up BLT (yup bacon) cupcakes that Jason took to work to share. I should have gotten a picture - they even had a tomato on top!

I also got a couple cupcakes (not bacon) for us. This is the pumpkin cupcake with pumpkin seed brittle on top. Delicious.

On Jason's birthday, we met his mom and went to a play about Wrestling, but before...we stopped at a cupcake shop (they are popping up all over the place) and got cupcakes. Yum.

And since we hadn't had enough cupcakes, we made some at home too! Most of them are still in the freezer so we can enjoy them for a while.

Weekend in Indianapolis

Jason's birthday was last weekend. The weekend before we took a weekend trip to Indianapolis - to celebrate his birthday. Neither of us had been there and we really enjoyed it. We spent some time in the city and in the suburbs. We went to wrestling, had dinner and saw a movie, went to a pumpkin patch, and an apple store.

Here we are at the pumpkin patch:

This donkey really wanted to eat our pumpkin.

Oops, I mean this donkey. He really tried to eat our pumpkin a few times! Donkeys will eat anything!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crochet - My New Craft

When Jason and I were in Geneva this summer, I was inspired to learn how to crochet. I bought a handmade crochet hat and matching yarn to make a scarf. After a crochet class with my mom in MI and a granny square class last weekend, I am on my way.

Dishcloths are good for practice.

These are my granny squares. The big one isn't as square as I would like, so I've decided to make little squares and stitch them together...hopefully I'll have an afghan one day.
This little critter (he's a manatee) will be going to Florida for the winter with my mom and dad.